Our company's lawyers have an impressive experience in protecting the interests of both creditors and debtors in bankruptcy cases. This enables us not only to solve individual tasks within the procedure but also to develop a comprehensive process strategy in the client's best interest.
For each bankruptcy case, a unique strategy is developed, which includes financial, tax, criminal, and civil law aspects. This approach allows for anticipating the course of events and making the procedure predictable and efficient.
Stages of comprehensive bankruptcy support from the debtor's side:- Preparation of bankruptcy petitions on behalf of the debtor.
- Representation of the debtor's interests and management in court.
- Interaction with the insolvency administrator and government authorities.
- Challenging the actions of the insolvency administrator.
- Defense in disputes related to subsidiary liability.
Stages of comprehensive bankruptcy support from the creditor's side:- Initiation of bankruptcy proceedings against the debtor.
- Inclusion in the register of creditors' claims.
- Support at creditors' meetings.
- Contestation of transactions.
- Resistance to controlled procedures.
- Imposing subsidiary liability on controlling persons.
Unique bankruptcy practice services:- Risk Audit for Owners and Top Management Related to Bankruptcy
Proceedings Risk audit involves analyzing various indicators of the company's performance using a proprietary methodology developed by LexKledere Consulting specialists. The audit results identify risky points that may serve as grounds for holding managers liable in the event of company bankruptcy and help minimize these risks. It is recommended to conduct a risk audit for managers at least once a year (after submitting financial statements).
- Defense in Subsidiary Liability Disputes in Bankruptcy Cases of Credit
Institutions Bankruptcy cases involving banks are governed by separate legal norms and constitute only a small percentage of the overall bankruptcy procedures. Therefore, the experience of defending against subsidiary liability in such cases is a rare and valuable skill for a lawyer. The specialists of LexKledere Consulting have experience in defending clients in several such procedures, enabling them to provide the highest level of protection for bank top management in cases involving subsidiary liability.
Enforcement Proceedings DepartmentFor our company, a successful court process means not just a decision in favor of the client but the actual transfer of money to the client's account. This is why we have established the Enforcement Proceedings Department, whose goal is to enforce court decisions in favor of our clients.
To achieve this, the department's specialists:
- Collaborate with banks to directly debit money according to enforcement orders.
- Take independent measures to trace the debtor's assets.
- Maintain constant personal interaction with the Federal Bailiff Service of St. Petersburg.
- Engage in remote collaboration with court bailiffs in other regions, if necessary, involving local contractors.
- Challenge the actions and inaction of bailiffs through administrative and judicial proceedings.