Главный офис :
Main Office :
Главный офис :
Main office:
197022, Санкт-Петербург, Аптекарская набережная, дом 20, литера А, офис 801
197022, St. Petersburg, Aptekarskaya embankment, building 20, letter A, office 801
Spring Legal Rankings 2016:
In May 2016, Delovoy Peterburg summarized the results of its ninth rating of
Lawyer of the Season. Spring-2016". The winner was Roman Kuzmak, a lawyer from LexCledere Consulting, who left the other contenders behind. Roman has developed and implemented in court a legal scheme for solving a long-standing and very sensitive for business problem in the housing and utilities sector, related to the reimbursement of the inter-tariff difference between the cost of heat energy supplied under temporary and permanent heat supply schemes.